
Surgeons are like drivers of a vehicle. It is not how fast you get there; it is how safely you get there. Knowing this is the hall mark of a good surgeon and a good driver. Operating without a thorough knowledge of anatomy is like driving without directions. Not knowing where to go, what dangers and pit falls are ahead, and how to avoid them, where the stop signs and “do not enter: or “danger ahead” signs are, is important.
This is truer of pelvic surgeons since they are operating in a cramped space full of important organs with complex relationships. Venous plexuses, the bowel, bladder, arteries and our arch enemy “the Ureter,” crop up unexpectedly. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” is a valuable dictum. Keeping the Ureter close but away from your sutures or scissors is an art that you acquire if you know the pelvic anatomy.
We are offering a unique opportunity on the 13 th of October 2023, to observe the pelvic and perineal anatomy by a master anatomist/Urogyn on cadavers, following which world- renowned faculty will guide you through doing many of the Prolapse and incontinence procedures on the cadavers. This would be of immense help when you operate on live patients in your practice.
We may have been good at anatomy in our college days, but face it, we all feel the need to revisit the pelvic anatomy after a few years of practice. This is a golden opportunity that should not be missed.

We can only accommodate 60 delegates for this session because of the number of cadavers that are available. For those who want to watch the live relay in a different room with faculty commenting on the procedures, we have allotted a room with a large screen, that will accommodate 250 delegates at an additional cost. The registration for the conference is mandatory for both.
One request: The cadavers you will be operating on were alive once, like us. They deserve due respect at all times. We will start the session with a small prayer to the souls of the cadavers we are going to work on and thank them for allowing us to learn from them. Detailed instructions, material to read including pelvic anatomy, procedures step by step, venue and other details will be provided 2 weeks prior to the course. Any details on this days events should wait for 2 weeks prior to conference.